A Supernatural Horror Web Series
Genre: Horror, Suspense, Action, Drama
Hunters follows a group of unlikely allies, bound together by their survival against the occult and the supernatural. Their journey brings them to Puerto Rico—an island plagued by ancient terrors. Blending history and folklore, Hunters reimagines Puerto Rico in a way that is both exciting and terrifying.
The series employs a monster-of-the-week format with an overarching storyline. Set in Puerto Rico, it explores the island's rich myths and legends, including figures like El Cuco, La Bruja de Loiza, and El Chupacabra, while also incorporating classical monsters and creatures exclusive to Taino culture. This combination of suspense, action, and cultural depth gives Hunters a unique and captivating narrative.
Official Teasers
We've released two teasers so far in preparation for our Official, full-length trailer. Take a look!
Status and Future
At Hunters, we are bringing a bold vision to life, blending Puerto Rican folklore with supernatural storytelling. Here’s where we stand and where we’re headed:
Current Status
Our team has been hard at work, and the teaser trailer is in its final stages of editing. This trailer will serve as the first glimpse into the world of Hunters, showcasing the dedication and creativity we’ve poured into this project despite working with no budget. Once the trailer is released, it will mark the launch of our funding campaign—a crucial step toward realizing this series fully.
Future Plans
This project is fueled by passion and determination. While the upcoming funding campaign is vital to continuing production, we remain steadfast in our mission. Should the first campaign fall short, we will not surrender. Our team is prepared to adapt, refine, and push forward to bring Hunters to life. Failure is just another step on the path to success, and we’re here for the long haul.
Bringing stories to life through innovative art.
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(570) 815-0584
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